August 2015

Retreat Centre Appeal : Art

By |2018-03-16T16:31:12+00:00August 8th, 2015|

Facilities will be established for craft work in general, and thangka painting in particular. Our Spiritual Directors, Ngak’chang Rinpoche and Khandro Déchen, are both master thangka painters – but at present the number of their trainee painting students is limited not by the time of the teachers but by the size of the homes of [...]

July 2015

November 2011

Calligraphies – the Scorpion Seal

By |2018-03-16T16:31:25+00:00November 20th, 2011|

With the work of Ngak'chang Rinpoche, the calligraphy is not simply a brush-and-ink drawing.  Each piece carries seals and signatures, in unique combinations.  The most easily recognisable perhaps is the seal of scorpion is found in Tibetan calligraphy on the works of both Trungpa Rinpoche (see here) and some of the work of Ngak'chang Rinpoche.  Robert [...]

October 2011

Ngak’chang Rinpoche’s calligraphy

By |2018-03-16T16:31:26+00:00October 22nd, 2011|

Ngak’chang Rinpoche (pictured above with Khandro Déchen his wife and two children Robert and Raechel) is a Lama of the Nyingma Tradition within Vajrayana Buddhism. Born in 1952 in Hannover Germany—of an English father and German mother—he is the great grand-nephew of Franz Schubert. He was raised in England—attended Farnham Art School—and later Bristol Art School, [...]

Sky signatures

By |2018-03-16T16:31:26+00:00October 15th, 2011|

We are delighted that Aro Ling Buddhist Centre (in Bristol, Great Britain) will be hosting a display of calligraphies by Ngak'chang Rinpoche on November 25th (start 7.30pm). The evening which will consist of a talk about 'sky signatures' and opportunity to purchase a calligraphy. All proceeds raised will go towards the Drala Jong Retreat Centre appeal. All of the calligraphies [...]

September 2011

Change is now overdue – (Interview – final part)

By |2018-03-16T16:31:26+00:00September 24th, 2011|

Q: Rinpoche - can you talk a little about students in the context of personal retreat? In the Drala Jong brochure we describe the aspiration to build a dratsang. I understand this translates as ‘tantric college’.NCR: With a residential retreat centre we’d have a larger library. We would concentrate on developing that library, in order [...]

August 2011

July 2011

Humble Beginnings

By |2018-03-16T16:31:27+00:00July 29th, 2011|

Looks like Kate Humble thinks Drala Jong is such a good idea she is going to copy it (sort of!):​ales-south-east-wales-14330147. Nice to see support for rural skills from some imaginative councillors and a TV celeb! It is interesting to read the headline that Kate and her husband are looking to invest around £500,000 in [...]

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