August 2015

Relaxing into Meditation

By |2018-03-16T16:31:11+00:00August 26th, 2015|

Relaxing into Meditation By Ngakma Nor’dzin What exercises and practices will help us to live a life free of stress? Ngakma Nor’dzin, a Western Buddhist Lama, guides us through relaxation and breathing exercises that lead into meditation. The meditation methods are described in friendly and accessible language, and will enhance the lives of those who [...]

June 2015

November 2011

I can’t get no. . .

By |2018-03-16T16:31:24+00:00November 29th, 2011|

. . . satisfaction.  Well, not when trying to engage in fundraising anyway.  Like a home sick polynesian, I'm always left longing for Somoa (some-moa donations, that is. . . and yes I will keep making puns like that until we reach our target).  Still, with 8 of the 50 calligraphies sold at the special display-rate on [...]

September 2011

Change is now overdue – (Interview – final part)

By |2018-03-16T16:31:26+00:00September 24th, 2011|

Q: Rinpoche - can you talk a little about students in the context of personal retreat? In the Drala Jong brochure we describe the aspiration to build a dratsang. I understand this translates as ‘tantric college’.NCR: With a residential retreat centre we’d have a larger library. We would concentrate on developing that library, in order [...]

August 2011

July 2011

The Drala Jong Interview – Part II

By |2018-03-16T16:31:27+00:00July 29th, 2011|

Q: What sorts of teachings would a residential centre allow – would there be something new that isn’t currently possible to teach to the public at present? NCR: It is not so much about providing something new, as being something that gives enough time for certain practices. There are things you cannot teach in an [...]

The Drala Jong Interview – Part 1

By |2018-03-16T16:31:27+00:00July 24th, 2011|

Q: What will Drala Jong be used for?Ngak’chang Chögyam Rinpoche [NCR]: Buddhism!Q: [Laughs] Sorry, silly question. What I really meant was that we already hire venues for both non-residential, and residential retreats. Why is buying our own place better than hiring places?NCR: Well, there’s simple pragmatics for a start. If we added up how much [...]

Book Review – Planet as Self – An Earthen Spirituality

By |2018-03-16T16:31:28+00:00July 12th, 2011|

Sky McCain is a long-time supporter of the Drala Jong project. Later this year his work Planet as Self - An Earthen Spirituality will be launched.Having had sight of a sneak preview of the text, herewith is a review of his work.- - -One definition of stupidity is 'Doing the same thing over and over [...]

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