The Aro gTér Lineage free internet meditation course is a series of weekly emails that are sent to you automatically by this web site.
The course takes a practical, down-to-earth approach. The first week’s email provides all the instructions you need to get started.
In the following weeks, you will learn refinements in the technique and additional meditation exercises. The course also explains ways of dealing with any problems that may come up, shows how to apply the insights of meditation to the rest of life, and recommends other resources and further steps.
To learn more,please visit the Aro gTér Lineage Meditation site.
The Drala Jong project seeks to create a home for the Aro gTér Lineage. Please see the Appeal page for more information about the Drala Jong project and how to help.
Yoga for Beginners – If you’re new to yoga, start with these 10 basic asanas. Yoga is extremely beneficial for your mental and physical wellbeing. For more details visit Meditation Techniques