The 25th Anniversary Matching Funds campaign – closes on 30.11.2018

As Sang-ngak-chö-dzong approaches the 25th anniversary of its establishment, we come also incredibly close to reaching our initial fundraising goal of £500.000 to found the Buddhist retreat centre we are attempting to establish in Wales.
Your donations will be doubled
Toward putting us over the top, a generous donor has offered to match every one-off or new ongoing donation made to the charity between the 1st and 30th of November 2018, up to a total of £4.444, €5.000, or $5.733. (Note that all donations are to be without return goods or services.)
Please donate now
To help us meet this challenge, to contribute to this extraordinary project, and to support Sang-ngak-chö-dzong in reaching its first fund-raising milestone, please donate now.
If you live outside U.S.
Donors living in any country besides the U.S. can contribute by way of our Totalgiving dedicated campaign website. Please click on the image below.
If you live in the U.S.
Please send donations to Aro Gar, Inc., which is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt corporation and the U.S. equivalent of Sang-ngak-chö-dzong. All donations are tax deductible and can be made one of two ways:
By way of PayPal to dralajong[at] or using the “Donate Now” button below.
By check payable to Aro Gar, Inc. Please send your check to: Aro Gar, Inc. c/o Arthur Steinhauer, Treasurer, 271 Church Road, Livingston Manor, New York 12758. Please note on the check that your payment is “For Drala Jong”.