I’m delighted to report that this week we have received our largest single donation to date – £5,000 – and that this takes the total appeal fund to £54,996. Every donation is welcome – the smallest to date has been £2 – but it’s always nice to improve on our record. Some donations come from members of the Aro Tradition – one of the primary lineages supported by our charity Sang-ngak-chö-dzong – whilst many have come from people outside the tradition. This was one such, and we’re very appreciative of the gift.

For those who haven’t read the appeal document our goal is to raise £500,000, so this donation is a big step for us. Our thanks to our latest donors – you know who you are!

If you’d like a copy of the appeal brochure it’s available for purchase in hard copy or soft copy at http://www.lulu.com/content/719036 with all profits going to the appeal fund.

Presently I’ll be posting on a couple of fund raising opportunities that I hope interest the readership.

Best regards to one and all.
