January 2013

A quarter of the way there. . . the Phurba of Space becomes the Phurba of Air

By |2018-03-16T16:31:19+00:00January 13th, 2013|

We are delighted to let you know that as at 31st December 2012 the total raised for Drala Jong stood at: £114,229.80 / Euro140,867.60 / $185,729.00 This is a wonderful increase and really shows the support which the project is receiving from across the world. This is 23% of the target total of £500,000 - [...]

September 2012

A reminder of what it’s all about – Kunzang Dorje Rinpoche

By |2018-03-16T16:31:20+00:00September 25th, 2012|

I found the following via Facebook, and felt supporters of the appeal would enjoy it.  To my knowledge it was first posted here, but regardless of its first posting, we present it here so more people might see it. Kyabjé Kunzang Dorje Rinpoche knew the gö kar chang lo'i dé, its history, lineages and practices . [...]

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